In early June , Xinjiang continued high temperatures cotton growth and development to accelerate

According to the National Meteorological Center of Ecology and Agricultural Meteorology room released in early June 2008 agrometeorological Xunbao the high side ; North China , south China most of the southwestern region west and south of ten-day average temperature in the same period the year low, significantly higher temperatures in most areas in Xinjiang . Xinjiang most temperatures continued to be significantly higher ; still higher than the same period the year less than normal in the eastern part of the Northwest Territories precipitation , drought continue or worsen , the spring crop growth and development have been significantly affected . Suitable for most of the spring planting zone soil moisture in North China plain , adequate lighting , conducive to the growth of spring sowing crops ; North China in the north and southwest , Huanghuai western part of the farmland soils lack of moisture in the spring crop is not conducive to growth and development , and summer-sown crops timely sowing , emergence . Mainly showery rains the Jianghuai most late , the temperatures , which will help the growth and development of spring crop . Jianghan most ten days , the strongest since the late summer rainstorm process , part of the farmland was washed away, and the field is too wet affect the root growth of cotton and other crops . Jiangnan south-central , eastern and southern temperature is normal or slightly higher , precipitation was near normal or slightly below normal meteorological conditions conducive to the growth and development of various economic crops ; northern Jiangnan , South China Midwest late mid- and late the heavy precipitation process , The heavy precipitation also caused some crops flooded , agricultural production is affected to some extent . According to the Central Meteorological Station forecast , in mid - June , China's major rain belt is located in Jianghan , JAC , Jiangnan ,health news, South China and the western and northern ,Computers & Internet, eastern Sichuan Basin , southern Guizhou province , along the southern Yunnan , compared with the same period the year in most areas late rainfall above normal 3 to 7 percent . Mid affecting the varied temperatures of frequent cold air activities , Northwest , North , Southern regional temperature changes are relatively stable ; over the ten-day average temperature significantly higher than the same period the year in the Northeast region , was near normal temperatures in most areas .

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